Co-op in the Community - January 2016
A section of the Concord Food Co-op’s mission is to conduct our affairs according to consumer cooperative principles. One of those principals is concern for community.
The Co-op delivers on this objective through outreach; outreach is an activity of providing services to populations who might not otherwise have access to those services. A core component of the Co-op’s outreach is our Community Partners Program, whereby member-owners vote annually to select charitable organizations to provide meaningful support.
Co-op Food Donations: Continued Support
The Concord Food Co-op has been actively maintaining its goal to provide food to those in need and give support to our Co-op community partners.
During the month of December, through generous donations from Chef Rob Cone and his supporting staff, the Co-op was able to feed over 150 people in the Concord community. Over 20 people living in the Friends Program Housing received food donations, more than 100 were fed through donations to the Friendly Kitchen, and an additional 20 were fed at the McKenna House in Concord, NH. Fruits and vegetables, discontinued grocery items, bakery goods, and leftover hot bar meals were among the donations provided.
Would you like to offer your assistance as well?
Use the following contact information to get involved with these wonderful organizations.
Visit or contact Jerry Madden by email ( or phone (603)-228-7603.
Visit or call (603)-224-7678.
Visit or call (603)-228-3505